We work along the entire supply chain to make our textiles fairer and more environmentally sustainable. We rely on recycled polyester and organic cotton as more sustainable materials. We aim to increase the share of these materials every year.
Recycled Polyester
Polyester is the most important material for us as a team sports specialist. By using recycled polyester we can act more environmentally conscious and still ensure the positive properties. For this, we use old PET bottles, for example, which are cleaned, melted and spun into new yarn. For the World Jersey, we even use old textiles that we recycle. Learn more about our goals and projects here.
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Organic cotton
In our JAKO FAIR products, we specifically use cotton from controlled organic cultivation. With organic cotton, the use of synthetic chemical pesticides and the use of genetically modified plants is prohibited. In recent years, we have been able to switch many of our cotton items to organic cotton. In the future, we want to continue to push the use of sustainable cotton. Learn more about our goals and projects more
The JAKO FAIR label indicates which products meet particularly high standards in terms of sustainability. For this purpose, we apply strict criteria regarding the selection of materials. With our JAKO FAIR label, you can see whether the materials of this article are made of 100% or at least 50% recycled raw materials or organic cotton. Learn more about our JAKO FAIR label more
As a company, we are actively committed to social, ecological and economic sustainability. We are constantly setting ourselves new challenges and initiating projects on our key topics. Find out now which topics are particularly important to us.
Supply chain
It is important for us to know where, by whom and how our articles are produced. Therefore, we carefully select suppliers and visit them regularly. We focus on a few main suppliers with whom we have a long-term and very cooperative relationship. This increases transparency and allows for consistently high quality and fast delivery times. Learn more about the goals and measures we set for our production here.
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We are a member of the initiatives Bündnis für nachhaltige Textilien, amfori BSCI as well as the Wirtschaftsinitiative Nachhaltigkeit des Landes Baden-Württtemberg (WIN-Charta). Hereby we take responsibility and actively commit ourselves to sustainability. Ambitious goals and concrete measures form our guidelines for the coming years. Find out now what lies behind the more
As a second-generation family business, we have always placed great emphasis on the team concept. For us, the well-being of our employees is our top priority. Among other things, we offer them a modern working environment, flexible working hours and a secure workplace. Team events, excursions and various sports opportunities are not neglected by us as a team sports specialist. Find out more about JAKO and your career with us more
Environmental management
Together with our suppliers, we work on certifications that optimize environmental and chemical management. In the area of chemical management, we require our suppliers not to use hazardous substances that are banned under the ZDHC Manufacturing Restricted Substances List. This enables us to ensure that all components, products and packaging are safe for health.Packaging
When it comes to our packaging, we make sure to reduce it where possible, to do without it or to use more environmentally friendly materials. For this purpose, we rely on polybags made of recycled polyester, cardboard banderoles or other alternatives. In addition, we replace individual packaging where possible and bundle our JAKO articles into larger quantity units.
We transport our goods on long distances by ship whenever we can and avoid air freight. In addition, together with DPD, we send your orders by climate-neutral parcel transport. With the photovoltaic system on our company building at the main location in Hollenbach, we produce about 75% of our electricity needs ourselves.WHAT'S BEHIND "OUR TEAM FOR A BETTER WORLD"
From jerseys made from recycled polyester to social projects along the supply chain, we tell you how we and our partners are making the world more sustainable every day. Click on the individual stories and discover what "Our Team for a better World" is all about.

Shining children's eyes - JAKO donates jerseys
JAKO is supporting a research project with children suffering from cancer in Mainz and Heidelberg.JAKO donated 100 jerseys to the FORTEe research project in Mainz and Heidelberg. Children suffering from cancer are taking part in a study that is researching the topic of sport and digital health in children and adolescents.
The participating patients receive a sports therapy programme that is individually adjusted to their state of health. What was missing, however, was suitable and standardised equipment for the kids. A situation that JAKO was happy to change: 100 jerseys made their way to the clinics in Mainz and Heidelberg and made the children's eyes light up.

A special collection for STELP
The VfB Stuttgart, JAKO and SPSR.STUDIO are launching a collection whose profits will benefit aid projects.Greece, Lebanon, Nepal, Ukraine. And Stuttgart. Five projects, one common language. VfB Stuttgart, JAKO and SPSR.STUDIO support the Stuttgart-based aid organisation STELP e.V. in helping children and young people in their home countries. At the heart of it all: Football. It provides joy of life, team spirit and distraction from a hard everyday life. Five tournaments organised by and with enthusiastic children and young people show that football, in all its diversity, can help people in need. A special collection has been created from these projects - and for them. The profits will benefit the aid projects of STELP e.V.

Shipping cartons suppliers
In order to protect natural resources, the supplier cartons in which the goods arrive at us are reused for shipping. This means that some of your orders will now be shipped in recycled packaging rather than new packaging. When these are used depends on the size of the order or the existing supplier cartons.To let you know why the carton may no longer look brand new, an extra label is applied to it. It says "This carton has been reused".
In line with our motto "Our Team for a better World", this measure saves raw materials and reduces packaging waste.

Circular economy
In summer 2022, we collected discarded sportswear together with our partner clubs in Germany and Switzerland. In a pilot project, the textiles were shredded and processed into granulate, yarn and fabric. Using the thermo-mechanical process, we were able to produce our first jersey from recycled JAKO textiles.Workshop at the JAKO Days
In October 2023, we presented this process to our sports retailers and exchanged ideas intensively. Together, we want to focus on recycling in the future and give our textiles a second life.

Fair wear´s JRDD Academy pilot project
Since september 2023 we are part of the HRDD Academy pilot project from Fair Wear.There, we deal intensively with topics such as corporate responsability, minmum living wages, gender equality and responsible purchasing practices. To build up our knowledge and implement guidelines we use training courses and learning modules.
You can find more information about the project on the Fair Wear website, here.

Establishment of the Rudi Sprügel foundation
The aim of the fund is to promote sport, football and youth aidKick- off for the Rudi Sprügel Foundation: Named after the founder and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of JAKO AG, the foundation primarily supports projects in sport, especially football and youth aid.
This includes the promotion of sport exercises and offers movement oriented youth (social) work, the promotion of athletes and the organisation of sports oriented events. The foundation also supports the training and further education of trainers and the establishment, construction, operation and expansion of sports facilities. It also cooperates with educational institutions and youth and youth social work organisations.

Shining children's eyes - JAKO donates jerseys
JAKO is supporting a research project with children suffering from cancer in Mainz and Heidelberg.JAKO donated 100 jerseys to the FORTEe research project in Mainz and Heidelberg. Children suffering from cancer are taking part in a study that is researching the topic of sport and digital health in children and adolescents.
The participating patients receive a sports therapy programme that is individually adjusted to their state of health. What was missing, however, was suitable and standardised equipment for the kids. A situation that JAKO was happy to change: 100 jerseys made their way to the clinics in Mainz and Heidelberg and made the children's eyes light up.

A special collection for STELP
The VfB Stuttgart, JAKO and SPSR.STUDIO are launching a collection whose profits will benefit aid projects.Greece, Lebanon, Nepal, Ukraine. And Stuttgart. Five projects, one common language. VfB Stuttgart, JAKO and SPSR.STUDIO support the Stuttgart-based aid organisation STELP e.V. in helping children and young people in their home countries. At the heart of it all: Football. It provides joy of life, team spirit and distraction from a hard everyday life. Five tournaments organised by and with enthusiastic children and young people show that football, in all its diversity, can help people in need. A special collection has been created from these projects - and for them. The profits will benefit the aid projects of STELP e.V.

Shipping cartons suppliers
In order to protect natural resources, the supplier cartons in which the goods arrive at us are reused for shipping. This means that some of your orders will now be shipped in recycled packaging rather than new packaging. When these are used depends on the size of the order or the existing supplier cartons.To let you know why the carton may no longer look brand new, an extra label is applied to it. It says "This carton has been reused".
In line with our motto "Our Team for a better World", this measure saves raw materials and reduces packaging waste.

Circular economy
In summer 2022, we collected discarded sportswear together with our partner clubs in Germany and Switzerland. In a pilot project, the textiles were shredded and processed into granulate, yarn and fabric. Using the thermo-mechanical process, we were able to produce our first jersey from recycled JAKO textiles.Workshop at the JAKO Days
In October 2023, we presented this process to our sports retailers and exchanged ideas intensively. Together, we want to focus on recycling in the future and give our textiles a second life.

Fair wear´s JRDD Academy pilot project
Since september 2023 we are part of the HRDD Academy pilot project from Fair Wear.There, we deal intensively with topics such as corporate responsability, minmum living wages, gender equality and responsible purchasing practices. To build up our knowledge and implement guidelines we use training courses and learning modules.
You can find more information about the project on the Fair Wear website, here.

Establishment of the Rudi Sprügel foundation
The aim of the fund is to promote sport, football and youth aidKick- off for the Rudi Sprügel Foundation: Named after the founder and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of JAKO AG, the foundation primarily supports projects in sport, especially football and youth aid.
This includes the promotion of sport exercises and offers movement oriented youth (social) work, the promotion of athletes and the organisation of sports oriented events. The foundation also supports the training and further education of trainers and the establishment, construction, operation and expansion of sports facilities. It also cooperates with educational institutions and youth and youth social work organisations.